Monday, May 08, 2006

The Scene

May 2, 2006
Mile 103: Rock Gap Shelter

Even at this relatively late date, the trail is an intensely social activity. Here at Rock Gasp, there are 10 through-hikers. Some of them I met on my southbound leg I did with Monica. We greeted each other like old friends.

North Carolina, like raw corn whiskey, grows on the northbound through-hiker, Albert Mountain nonwithstanding. Albert had some sections that, while not technical climbs, were still hand-and-foot affairs, where I was glad for my arboreal ancestry. The remainder of the climbs and descents have been very civil. Either that or I am growing stronger.

At lower elevations, the trees are a bit more full of green. Here at Rock Gap, it seems less like a dry spring and more like the Appalachians I know. Two springs feed a creek running down below the shelter. The rhododendrons, while not blooming, are teasing with tiny buds. It is somewhat troubling that I have not yet passed a healthy adult rhododendron. They all seem to have something gnawing big chunks out of their leaves. Many are down . . Unusual.

Ah, it's time now for me to stop typing. I should talk now with these people whose experience I share.

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