With the combined might of six Best Buy gift cards, I purchased my journal gizmo for the trip: a Palm Tungsten T|X. So far so good, for the two hours I've spent familiarizing myself with Garnet. Worth noting:
>>The 802.11b receiver interface is much snappier than the one in Windows CE. It finds networks faster than even my laptop does.
>>"HotSync" like it's 1996! Sheesh. Why not a file system explorer, so I can see how much space is left on the device? Or, say, so I can delete all the unwanted crap from my scant 128MB? Doc2Go is an especially terrible abortion of software.
>>VersaMail works seamlessly with gmail's POP3 interface. I can mail and journal away at the AYCE (hiker jargon for All-You-Can-Eat) restaurant using gmail and blogger's email-to-journal functionality. Provided there's a network around, of course.
>>The browser is extremely limited HTML only, but at 5.1 oz, I wasn't expecting too much browser.
>>Standard DC converter coupling? Not on our platform mister! This is such a common sin with manufacturers that it's hardly seen as sin anymore.
>>It seems to like my CSV databooks and my ALDHA PDFs, which is good. Saves me about five ounces of paper.
>>Bluetooth sucks insane amounts of power. Turned off.
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